
Member since ‎Mar 14, 2023
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Michael McGowan

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mmcgowan702 on March 14, 2024
I have an email that goes out daily to different segments telling people they have XX amount of days until the deadline. I am using the between_times function and my code is the following. {% set begin = content.publish_date, "yyyy-MM-dd", "Amer read more
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1 Reply
March 14, 2024
Update. The number of days is showing up in the email but the warning I am seeing in the module with the code is concerning. Thoughts on why it is more
mmcgowan702 on March 14, 2024
I have an email that goes out daily to different segments telling people they have XX amount of days until the deadline. I am using the between_times function and my code is the following. {% set begin = content.publish_date, "yyyy-MM-dd", "Amer read more
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1 Reply
March 14, 2024
Update. The number of days is showing up in the email but the warning I am seeing in the module with the code is concerning. Thoughts on why it is more
mmcgowan702 on February 08, 2024
Is it possible for a contact to access the Marketing Emails/Subscription Preferences page outside of an email? I would like to add a link to that page from our website (which is not in HubSpot) when they sign up but don’t see how that is possible or read more
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2 Replies
mmcgowan702 on January 25, 2024
Make it easy to customize the email subscription page with the Business Units add-on. We have multiple business units and because of this, I cannot edit the email subscription page or the email preference page. Please make this available.
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mmcgowan702 on November 30, 2023
Hello all, I am building in email where there is different messaging for recipients based on the amount of points they have in their account. This text is in a module and the module contains the following script; {% set rfPointTotal = contact.rf_p read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
December 01, 2023
Thank you so much Jaycee. I did not know about that particular filter. But that worked!
mmcgowan702 on November 30, 2023
Hello all, I am building in email where there is different messaging for recipients based on the amount of points they have in their account. This text is in a module and the module contains the following script; {% set rfPointTotal = contact.rf_p read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
December 01, 2023
Thank you so much Jaycee. I did not know about that particular filter. But that worked!
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