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Dan Oatley

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DOatley on März 04, 2024
Hi, I want to set up sequencing to automate follow-up pings to qualified leads that have not responded within X days. We are using the Sales Hub Enterprise and can trigger sequences on different criteria. The major issue is that we want to continue Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
September 09, 2024
@MartinKa and @JLozano53 please upvote the idea and have your team members do the same. The upvotes are an important factor if we want Hubspot to...Beitrag ansehen
DOatley on Juni 28, 2024
we would like to be able to store the e-mail body of the most recent incoming e-mail in a field in HubSpot. This will allow us to use logic to process it with logic/AI etc for automated responses. We will also be able to include the message in the r Beitrag ansehen
brandonschaefer on September 27, 2023
This is a popular integration on other CRM platforms and is a great selling point as more companies adopt Adobe Acrobat Sign into their tech stack. I'd love to see it natively integrated into HubSpot.
15 Antworten
Juni 19, 2024
We would also benefit from this integration. I tried in the early days of HubSpot to use Dropbox sign but it was extremely basic and not easy to conf...Beitrag ansehen
DOatley on März 04, 2024
Hi, I want to set up sequencing to automate follow-up pings to qualified leads that have not responded within X days. We are using the Sales Hub Enterprise and can trigger sequences on different criteria. The major issue is that we want to continue Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
September 09, 2024
@MartinKa and @JLozano53 please upvote the idea and have your team members do the same. The upvotes are an important factor if we want Hubspot to...Beitrag ansehen
DOatley on März 04, 2024
Hi, I want to set up sequencing to automate follow-up pings to qualified leads that have not responded within X days. We are using the Sales Hub Enterprise and can trigger sequences on different criteria. The major issue is that we want to continue Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
September 09, 2024
@MartinKa and @JLozano53 please upvote the idea and have your team members do the same. The upvotes are an important factor if we want Hubspot to...Beitrag ansehen
Daniel91 on September 14, 2017
I think its a must that hubspot sales should start to provide the possibility of adding html templates. We already pay 50$ per person to use more then 5 templates and in 2017 not being able to use HTML its like cutting off one leg to many comp Beitrag ansehen
April 17, 2024
This would solve a lot of problems, is there an update on this issue?
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