
Member since ‎Mar 13, 2023
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Chris Nordin

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Bryan on June 16, 2017
Ability to require minimum/maximum number of charcters in a form field. This would prevent users from entering a "space" to get through the required field. My application is for a zip code, where the user must enter 5 characters.
72 Replies
August 09, 2024
@IMcDonald that public beta link takes me to what looks like an internal HS login page.
llegault on January 21, 2021
It would be helpful to be able to use a filter selection in a contact's List for 'Campaign' > 'select name of campaign'. The idea would be that the contact would have experienced any part of a marketing campaign ( here ) asset. For example, if th read more
16 Replies
May 01, 2023
It's May 1, 2023. Please make this happen HS...
shane-mappedin on September 11, 2020
We use our reporting to help BDRs manage their pipeline activities (with 150+ leads per pipeline). We use our reporting as a more effective tool for generating specific "Active" lists. We have drilldowns by Industry, Territory, etc. to monitor the b read more
12 Replies
March 31, 2023
Hello from 2023! Just ran a report with drilldowns for contacts and companies, and it would be sooooo helpful to have a little button that says " more
CNordin on March 24, 2023
In lists that have filters, both static and active, it would be super helpful to be able to see which filter a contact passed through to be added to the list. Example: A list I'm working with has a number of these kinds of filters on them, and read more
JDavis91 on September 17, 2021
With the Beta version of business units, you should be able to clone a form from one business to another. Currently you are not able to. Also, you can not edit an existing form and select it to another business unit.
25 Replies
March 13, 2023
Checking in for March 2023 to say that this is still not implemented and it really really really should be.
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