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Jon Sasala

Jon Sasala joined the Hypha team in 2001 as a graphic designer, and has grown with the organization throughout the last two decades to his current position. Jon is passionate about design, marketing and digital accessibility.


Jon_Sasala on Abril 17, 2024
Currently, transactional emails are categorized as Marketing emails. We use transactional emails to send receipts and platform updates to our app users. This can be a large volume of emails, and, based on subject alone, a contact knows if they nee Leia mais
2 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Janeiro 08, 2024
Our customers access image files that represent quarterly account performance information. The file URLs contain the name of the account. We just...Leia mais
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Outubro 17, 2023
@MitchClarke try this: Trigger: Last Customer Reply is less than 1 day ago, and (or just) Ticket Status is Waiting on Us. This will trigger imme...Leia mais
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Outubro 16, 2023
My temporary workaround here is simply a recurring weekly task to go to the folder that we host generally private files in, and change the visibility...Leia mais
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Outubro 06, 2023
HubSpot custom quotes are awesome, and very flexible. I am having a hard time figuring out this challenge though. How can we insert additional ...Leia mais
Jon_Sasala on Junho 29, 2023
When dealing with hundreds of complicated and interdependant workflows it is best practice to use a consistent naming structure and folders to keep workflows organized. In the new interface, which folder a workflow is in is not comunicated and it's Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
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