
Membro desde ‎mar 7, 2023
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Giovanna Cruz, DMA


mbarba on Fevereiro 16, 2022
You've probably heard it said a million times that data-driven decisions are the best decisions. However, creating and keeping good data isn’t always an easy thing to come by. There are three main areas you need to invest in Leia mais
9 avaliações positivas
50 Respostas
Maio 17, 2024
Process definition: What do you need to do to move the customer through the different phases and generate revenue. What data do you need to be able t...Leia mais
jaynescarman on Novembro 22, 2019
An autoresponder on the conversations inbox would be really helpful. Our customers use an email address to report issues. When an email comes in, our support team manually creates a ticket and that triggers an email to the customer to say we've Leia mais
325 avaliações positivas
75 Respostas
Novembro 22, 2023
Upvoting this because we use the conversations inbox for team email. We want to be able to let the customers know when we are closed for holidays and...Leia mais
CaitlinRose on Março 03, 2021
Allow a workflow whereby if a deal is associated with a company (and than cmpany has associated contacts), then the contacts are pulled and automatically assigned to the deal. This would also work the other way where if a deal had an associated Leia mais
376 avaliações positivas
68 Respostas
Novembro 17, 2023
We would like to have this functionality so we can feed deals via integration with Segment's Engage, and then use Hubspot's workflows to associate th...Leia mais
gcruzpifano on Julho 11, 2023
We work with school districts across the company. We use their domain to associate contacts to companies. Over the course of doing business with them, we've realized that many districts have secondary domains that they use for email that can be diff Leia mais
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