
Member since ‎Mar 7, 2023
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優児 江上

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egami on February 01, 2024
The update of the person in charge for a ticket is NOT reflected to the related conversation. So I have to set each of the person in charge for a ticket and conversation separately. Question Is there any way to set the person in charge automati read more
egami on November 30, 2023
I have a question regarding date filters. Is it possible to create a filter that checks if a specific date set to a contact property(e.g. 11/20) is before today (including 11/20) or not? I would like to create a view that filters and display read more
natsumimori on February 24, 2020
ワークフローやリスト機能で日付フィルターを使用することができますが、「次の値より小さいO日前」、「次の値より多いO日後」など、文言で混乱する方が多いと思います。 そこで、日付フィルターの考え方と使用例を紹介します。 日付フィルターの基本的な考え方 最初にそれぞれの言葉の意味を英語と共に記載します。 次の値より多い= is more than 次の値より小さい= is less than 前= ago (今日が含まれる) 後= from now read more
November 30, 2023
@natsumimori 大変参考になる情報をご共有いただき、ありがとうございます。 日付フィルターについて追加でお伺いしたいことがあり、ご教授いただけますと幸いです。 コンタクトなどの特定のプロパティに設定されている日付(例:11/20)が、本日(11/30)以前 more
egami on August 09, 2023
What I want to do I want to allow only users who have already signed in to my portal site to access knowledge base. Therefore, I need to dynamically add a contact to a contact list when signin form is submitted (because user access to each art read more
egami on July 27, 2023
I think HubSpot automatically caches pages and files on both CDN and in browsers. I have some questions about cache management in knowledge base articles. What I want to do After editing a knowledge base article, I want the latest data t read more
July 27, 2023
Thank you for your reply. Okay, I still can't access the CDN and cache settings. I have some additional questions though these may be different more
egami on July 27, 2023
I think HubSpot automatically caches pages and files on both CDN and in browsers. I have some questions about cache management in knowledge base articles. What I want to do After editing a knowledge base article, I want the latest data t read more
July 27, 2023
Thank you for your reply. Okay, I still can't access the CDN and cache settings. I have some additional questions though these may be different more
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