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Ann Komel

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KMirow on Juli 05, 2022
Hey all, Our company has one inbox per Client. Each of our internal teams helps a group of clients and sometimes we transition a Client to a different team. When this happens we'd need to move that channel to another team's inbox - something t Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
April 18, 2024
I'm also in need of changing a channel to a new, different inbox. For a long time we've had all our various channels (teams, forms, messenger, etc.),...Beitrag ansehen
Sarah_M on Februar 09, 2021
According to Hubspot Support, there's no way to build a report for # of Subscribers (by specific subscription type) by Month by Count of Contacts. I simply want to report on number of new subscribers monthly to our blog subscription.
21 Antworten
Juni 26, 2023
Chiming in here to emphasize how necessary this is! For a CRM to not be able to tell us when subscribers joined certain subscription types/lists, is ...Beitrag ansehen
nc_3manfactory on November 27, 2019
The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompany Beitrag ansehen
62 Antworten
April 25, 2023
After 2 years has there been no update here? This would be extremely useful! Our team would use this almost daily. @glencornell is there any update...Beitrag ansehen
AKomel on April 18, 2023
I have created a custom object for tracking some event specific data related to our main contact base. It would be very helpful to be able to filter our contacts in a view based on our custom object properties. Our entire team would benefit from bei Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
AKomel on März 10, 2023
It would be so nice to be able to bulk create custom object records and at the same time associate all of the contacts we want associated with them. However, the process now just creates duplicate custom object records when uploading a spreadsheet c Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
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