
Member since ‎Jan 31, 2018
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WarrenE on May 28, 2017
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) is only supported in one language . Would be great if this was availabl read more
102 Replies
July 30, 2020
Hey @LenSad , I can tell you how we are doing, hopefully this solution works for you as well. 1. Create a new boolean property called "Double more
skalka on May 11, 2020
Hello HubSpot, in all our forms we block free email domains, this strategy works in most of the cases. Sometimes we need to make exceptions without disabling the feature. Is there a way to whitelist some domains or single email addresses? This fea read more
2 Replies
OlgaKhadieva on August 01, 2018
I would like to ask people who are unsubscribing from our emails about a reason why they decided to opt out. Apparently, there is no an easy way to do this in Hubspot. I tried to create a form with a multiple choice field and added it to the unsubsc read more
15 Replies
April 23, 2020
Our solution involves the confirmation page as well. We created 2 new properties: Unsubscribe reasons (dropdown) Unsubscribe reasons more (text more
lalexander on February 25, 2020
It’s time to get answers to your most gnarly, burning HubSpot questions . Each week, we’ll be tackling the opening a discussion thread, hosted by a HubSpot expert from our Professional Services Team. Come with your issues and woes, and you read more
February 26, 2020
My idea would be to create another property that you don't sync with Salesforce. You can use this property to assign the right owner or you can copy more
lalexander on February 25, 2020
It’s time to get answers to your most gnarly, burning HubSpot questions . Each week, we’ll be tackling the opening a discussion thread, hosted by a HubSpot expert from our Professional Services Team. Come with your issues and woes, and you read more
February 26, 2020
My idea would be to create another property that you don't sync with Salesforce. You can use this property to assign the right owner or you can copy more
WarrenE on May 28, 2017
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) is only supported in one language . Would be great if this was availabl read more
102 Replies
July 30, 2020
Hey @LenSad , I can tell you how we are doing, hopefully this solution works for you as well. 1. Create a new boolean property called "Double more
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