
Membro desde ‎mar 2, 2023
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Julia Staerck-Weille


SamuelBanks on Março 02, 2022
Hey HubSpot We are strong advocates of the Products/Line Items feature in HubSpot and offers great context behind deals. What we're finding with clients and ourselves alike, is the functionality request to be able to associate Products to Tickets Leia mais
76 avaliações positivas
25 Respostas
Setembro 15, 2023
DavidMFT on Novembro 10, 2017
Hi, we get a lot of overseas enquiries, the process to enrol an overseas student is quite complex & labour intensive. We get many many enquiries, the conversion rate is very low. The first email is a response to their enquiry. I have setu Leia mais
577 avaliações positivas
241 Respostas
Setembro 05, 2023
Upvoted! The last update from HS was in February 21, is the BETA out yet? Thanks
HelenPantel on Março 23, 2023
Currently we cannot select or reference meeting attendees in reporting. This would be a very important feature for reporting on sales activities. As several salespeople can attend the same meeting, we're currently unable to accurately report on Leia mais
186 avaliações positivas
43 Respostas
Setembro 04, 2023
Yes please! So needed! Now we have to use an external platform to get this data, and it does not make sense. And one of the Sales team's KPIs is "num...Leia mais
clioi on Julho 23, 2018
Just what title says, we don't want gmail, emails come through our bot. only valid business email addresses.
154 avaliações positivas
33 Respostas
Julho 26, 2023
Very much needed. Our support tea receives so many spam tickets.
JStaerck-Weil9 on Julho 19, 2023
Hi team, I would like to request the ability to hide certain call-to-action (CTA) elements, particularly the slide-in CTA from the new version, for a specific list of contacts. Currently, our CTA is designed to encourage website visitors to Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
JStaerck-Weil9 on Julho 19, 2023
Hi, Because of our process, we need to create a new Slack channel for every new ticket in a specific pipeline. I really need to be able to create a workflow that automatically creates a new Slack channel and adds specific users to it. Is Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
0 Respostas
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