
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2023
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Jeremy Robertshaw

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JRobertshaw7 on September 11, 2023
Hi, We are pulling data from HubDB in a table to list some events Everything is showing as expected in the drag and drop editor and also in the Preview of the page, but for some unkown reason the title of the event disapperas in a live environm read more
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JRobertshaw7 on May 29, 2023
Hi, Our client has a team that sends out adhoc messages to a pre determined list, this team is not a marketing team and has no need to have hubspot access. Nor do they have the skill set or time to be building out marketing emails. We are lookin read more
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JRobertshaw7 on April 27, 2023
Hi All, We are creating a protected page that can only be accessed by members of a list, Our users need to be verified to be on the list which we have made last for 3 months. However if this user trys to access the protected page from a different read more
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JRobertshaw on May 11, 2022
Our client has a scenario when they are oboarding new clients that they currently send out a MS Forms to a client and ask them to enter all of the stakeholders and their roles into one feld and then have to manually enter this information into HubSp read more
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March 01, 2023
In additon to creating a new contact, set up a Property that will help you identify that that new contact. For example a single tick box called " more
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