
Member since ‎Jan 29, 2018
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Jorge Castillo

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basil on June 05, 2019
We would like to collect NPS feedback directly in our Android App. For that we would need a way via API to push the collected feedbacks into the Hubspot feedback list.
18 Replies
June 22, 2020
This would be good. We need to analyze and make complex reports on this data
Rolf on May 26, 2020
We use HubSpot CRM, CMS, Marketing and Sales for many years now. But that might change. Today, we officially announced that our company was acquired by another tech firm, which is about three times our size, and they use Microsoft Dynamics CRM i read more
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6 Replies
May 29, 2020
Hi Rolph I have been working 4 years in a company that uses Dynamics as a core system and about 3 years ago we hire Hubspot as the commercial/ more
jcj87 on February 04, 2020
AS admin in companies with more than 50 users, we should be able to manage permissions to merge contacts since it implies "manipulating" the database by anyone who can edit contacts even if he is not aware of the impact merges could have.
110 Replies
February 10, 2020
Totally agree. It causes so many database issues when done by someone not aware of the impact.
jcj87 on February 04, 2020
AS admin in companies with more than 50 users, we should be able to manage permissions to merge contacts since it implies "manipulating" the database by anyone who can edit contacts even if he is not aware of the impact merges could have.
110 Replies
February 10, 2020
Totally agree. It causes so many database issues when done by someone not aware of the impact.
cduffy on May 09, 2018
Right now you can only use shortcuts for Snippets when drafting emails within the HubSpot CRM (typing in # with the name of your shortcut to insert it directly into an email, rather than having to click on "Snippets" and find it in the popup). I read more
February 04, 2020
This will solve the problem that companies with more than 50 users face. As you can see attached, once everybody is using the tool, it gets a mess more
petitsrituels on July 15, 2017
I am in Property Settings and selected the property created by Hubspot Lifecycle Stage. I want to select some of the labels so that I can decide if they will be shown but it won't let me. When I hover the labels (e.g. Subscriber) the icon with the r read more
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4 Replies
May 17, 2018
Hi, can we set unable properties so anyone except superadmins can edit it?
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