
Member since ‎Jan 26, 2018
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Exp on January 21, 2019
Hi, I've been trying to use Hubspot pop-up forms on our website and found it very unfriendly as they're not too changable: 1. the CTA button cannot be linked anywhere (a landing page for instance) 2. Cannot get rid of the default email field co read more
9 Replies
June 03, 2019
Hi, I came across this frustration a few months back as well when we wanted to promote a webinar but did not want gather information on the form/ more
suzdashanne on December 11, 2017
Currently, I can't use Content Staging to create and test translated website pages. I just have to take my chances on launching them on my live site. With 275 new pages all going live at once, this is problematic. Please add the ability to use Conte read more
May 03, 2019
Yes - please make this happen. Just went through this and learned that instead of replacing the translated pages, HS created new ones. It has caused more
JMort on April 09, 2019
Hi there We are currently looking into changing our Event Management Tool (EMT). We are looking at GoToWebinar (GTW) and one thing we would like to do is to send all mails (confirmation, Reminders and Followup) in relations to a webinar thro read more
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4 Replies
April 24, 2019
Hi @JMort , Looks like you're looking to pull the unique links in from qualtrics. I'm sorry - I don't have experience with this platform. But more
Siddall on March 29, 2017
There needs to be an option for the "Contact.Country_IP" to update the "Contact.Country" field. Unfortunately, it can't be done with a Workflow, because you can't update a List Field / Dropdown (Contact.Country) from a Text Field (Contact. read more
18 Replies
January 31, 2019
@Siddall Whoops! My apologies. @gepot How did you exclude certain domains from automatic association?
Siddall on March 29, 2017
There needs to be an option for the "Contact.Country_IP" to update the "Contact.Country" field. Unfortunately, it can't be done with a Workflow, because you can't update a List Field / Dropdown (Contact.Country) from a Text Field (Contact. read more
18 Replies
January 31, 2019
@Siddall Whoops! My apologies. @gepot How did you exclude certain domains from automatic association?
mfinocchiaro on March 03, 2017
We have software data sheets in the File Manager that we link to on our site for customer download. We need to have the ability to track how many times these pdfs are downloaded for viewing, as well as being able to see what web pages these linked d read more
162 Replies
January 18, 2019
Absolutely agree. It would be great to be able to track all of our docs in file manager. Or have some sort of reporting available on a link of a more
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