
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 24, 2023
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Michael Jaffe

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mickjaffer on Juni 13, 2023
It would be great for our firm to have a notification option that sends a "Deals Daily Digest" that gives a snapshot of Deals that were assigned to a user, when a deal changes stages, etc. Currently, the system only allows for individual emails per Beitrag ansehen
mickjaffer on April 28, 2023
It would be an excellent feature for the mobile app to add a filter function for Tasks. Managers in my firm assign tasks to team members and would like to see the tasks they created but assigned to another user.
mohamadh1 on September 17, 2022
Great news that finally Hubspot will nativaly integrates with Whatsapp. But saddly it will be only for Marketing or Service Hub (enterprise or pro). Brazilian Market as well as the rest of latin america uses Whatsapp for everything so please con Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Februar 24, 2023
Requesting HubSpot to add the WhatsApp integration to the Sales Hub as well. A lot of folks ask about this at my firm. Many are located in the LATAM ...Beitrag ansehen
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