
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 22, 2023
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Bridget Regan

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BRegan on Oktober 11, 2024
My blog posts will not allow me to backdate, and this is important because I am migrating my website. Currently I have the following script in: <time datetime="{{ content.schedule_date }}" class="blog-post__timestamp"> {{ content.schedule_ Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Oktober 15, 2024
This still isn't working for me 😕 just the wrong date in a different format. I have tried it in several ways that are listed inthe article you li...Beitrag ansehen
BRegan on Oktober 11, 2024
My blog posts will not allow me to backdate, and this is important because I am migrating my website. Currently I have the following script in: <time datetime="{{ content.schedule_date }}" class="blog-post__timestamp"> {{ content.schedule_ Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Oktober 15, 2024
This still isn't working for me 😕 just the wrong date in a different format. I have tried it in several ways that are listed inthe article you li...Beitrag ansehen
angryExecutive on Oktober 25, 2023
Trying to convert existing pages into child pages using the site tree because the previous marketing executive who has since left our company did not set up the website with the correct structure and our site health is suffering because of it. Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 26, 2024
I agree. This seems very silly and a HUGE gap, especially since HubSpot just spent a lot of effort updating CMS Hub to Content Hub.
MTrask3 on April 18, 2024
I've seen a couple of older posts here so maybe this has been solved and I'm just not seeing how/where? It would be great to be able to manually update update dates or publish dates and then select how to you want your blog posts ordered. At a minim Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 26, 2024
This option doesn't seem to work for me 😕 Instead I am getting this message
BRegan on August 01, 2023
I love the business units being an option for the marketing emails, but I wish there was a way to default your business unit based on your team/certain users. It is a bit tedius to have to make that selection every time when you only work for one ag Beitrag ansehen
paytek_haley on Dezember 22, 2020
I want my reps to be able to edit records they are assigned to, but not have the ability to create a new record (deal, company or contact). With anyone being able to create a record, we deal with duplicates, false information, and skewed data. Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Februar 22, 2023
I agree to this as well!!!! We are having this issue with setting up an account for a client
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