
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jan 25, 2018
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Anders Grové

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anders_grove on January 26, 2023
Has anyone managed to get Programmable Email to work? Do I need to opt-in somewhere or should it be able to work by just adding the required annotation 'isEnabledForEmai read more
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1 Reply
anders_grove on September 20, 2022
It would be great to have a UI for building theme settings file - similar to what you can do on a module.
anders_grove on September 20, 2022
It would be great to have autocomplete for HubL, JS, CSS and HTML in our editors. Efficiency gains guaranteed!
2 Replies
jstahl on November 08, 2017
Products is new - but data entry for products takes a lot of time - especially when we have excel lists of partners who purchased X products during Y month. With the products feature, the CRM will now automatically calculate the value of the product read more
23 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 16, 2021
Need it! +1
Chris_from_So1 on October 13, 2017
Currently only link attachments from the Hubspot data base are supported for marketing mails. Sometimes it would be more appropriate to sent the content already with the mail such that users can access all mail after mail sync without being online. read more
149 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
July 20, 2020
+1 So many use cases for this!
mariahedges on July 25, 2018
It would be useful if it were possible to set up a subscription preference type which is private or could be hidden from everyone. For example this could be used for an internal employee newsletter who would have a subscription category that read more
Contributor | Elite Partner
February 25, 2020
Definitely need this feature, +1 We're using a javascript hack to get around this at the moment. Not ideal at all. Below is a sample of more
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