
Member since ‎Feb 21, 2023
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Joost van Beeck

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April 22, 2023
Thanks for your reply. Everything is normal again. Don't know the cause, but the problem is gone. Br Joost
JvanBeeck on April 20, 2023
Hi In my Forecast overview I could always choose a timeperiod (month, quarter, year) in a dropdown menu for ''Close Date''. Now it is suddenly dissappeared on a Team level and I can only do this for individual team members. Can I get this featur read more
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JvanBeeck on March 30, 2023
Why are some Deals white and others grey regardless of where they are in the pipeline and regardless of which Deal Stage?
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March 14, 2023
Hi Thanks for your quick answer. I'm looking to find the financial impact our activities have had. In other words, over the past 2-3 years, more
JvanBeeck on March 13, 2023
Hi, I want to make a report showing the correlation between revenue (Deals Closed Won) and registered activities (specifically Meetings & Calls during the same period (monthly). I have tried to make one from scratch but did not succeed. read more
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March 10, 2023
Hi Karsten Thanks for your swift response. Could you elaborate on how I set up the solution with a workflow setting a date stamp into a more
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