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Yazz on Februar 07, 2018
We just switched over to Office 365 and the Sales Tools Add-In does not allow for settings as did the Sidekick Add-In. So, if we want to 'awlays' log/track e-mails, I cannot do so with Sales Tools. The tool also does not auto open when you write an Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 06, 2019
Hey Yazz - thanks for submitting! Just wanted to follow up on here for users who come across this in the future. Unfortunately, this is a limitat...Beitrag ansehen
bowlinshoes on April 12, 2017
We've had quite a few users asking if we could integrate our iOS and Android CRM with other business card scanning apps. We're going to do one better and build a business card scanner right into our CRM apps. JULY UPDATE : We're close...reall Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 27, 2018
Hey @vishnu ! The USC team works with a lot of our free users who would greatly value this capability on iOS - to the tune of probably 5 unique requ...Beitrag ansehen
spolson8 on August 01, 2017
I'd like to get the different pages visited by a given prospect company out of the fly-in window into Excel to manage and report on. Currently the only option seems to be to copy and paste the information out, then reformat it, then it can be manipu Beitrag ansehen
8 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
August 25, 2017
@DebStonebraker and @spolson8 : You can export information from the Prospects tool using the "Options" link in the left-hand sidebar. On t...Beitrag ansehen
marykopp on August 03, 2017
We are using the email tool through Hubspot. Is it possible to cc: someone from *another* company on the email?
8 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
August 04, 2017
Hi @marykopp , Thanks for clarifying! If Pablo is a contact in your CRM, you should be able to CC him on this email without typing the address m...Beitrag ansehen
Pano_James on August 03, 2017
Responses via the IMAP email integration (not outlook or Gmail) are not being picked up by our CRM and I am unable to find any sources online that further guide as to what needs changing. Upon initial testing, I discovered that emails will not b Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
August 04, 2017
@Pano_James , That's correct: for an email reply to be logged to the CRM, you need to log the original sent email. It should be sent from a conn...Beitrag ansehen
marykopp on August 03, 2017
We are using the email tool through Hubspot. Is it possible to cc: someone from *another* company on the email?
8 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
August 04, 2017
Hi @marykopp , Thanks for clarifying! If Pablo is a contact in your CRM, you should be able to CC him on this email without typing the address m...Beitrag ansehen
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