
Member since ‎Feb 20, 2023
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Bernhard Hörmann

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MKyriacou8 on February 21, 2023
Hello, I am trying to create a new user to the team, but for a specific email address it keeps rejecting my request. For the rest of the email addresses, I can successfuly create the user. I get the following error:  
1 upvote
8 Replies
February 21, 2023
Could you show us a successfully imported Mail and a failed one?
js_lon on February 20, 2023
Hi Emails I send from Outlook for Windows using MS365 are not logging in HubSpot - even though "HubSpot Sales Office 365 add-in" seems to be configured correctly. IN OUTLOOK FOR WINDOWS: the orange "Sales Tools (Hubspot)" button is visible in read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
February 20, 2023
I can not 100% relate since I use the web version exclusivly. However, does the extension create the BCC with your hubspot id?
Fnisar on February 20, 2023
Hi guys, Could you please help me ? I've got the HubSpot sales extension installed on Gmail. I wanted to log certain emails to the right contact on hubspot but what I noticed is, HubSpot is creating a new conversation in my HubSpot inbox + crea read more
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9 Replies
February 20, 2023
Looks like you added you gmail as a inbox, this makes it so all incomming messaged are logged and to log them all are created. The Idea is to use more
sd_soundstripe on February 17, 2023
My organization has a bunch of workflows that were setup before I joined. There's a workflow that's triggering a task and assigning to sales based on when a deal is closed-lost. But wtih 250+ workflows in use, how can I find what workflow is trigger read more
4 Replies
February 20, 2023
Task are usually attached to a contact or deal and those know if they are in a workflows. Maybe this way you can get the info you need.
arieldj on February 17, 2023
Hi! I'm trying to create a Workflow that perform certain actions (trigger email, move a deal, create a task) to my team when there is a Deal with the same property as another Deal in that pipeline. I can only sell 1 service per day so that propert read more
February 20, 2023
In fact you do just what you want by using the meeting planner native to hubspot. This allows you to add a form to you meeting link. Pardon more
ADevaney on February 19, 2023
Hi there, I have submitted my personal phone number in to the 'Hubspot Calling' section found in Settings --> General --> Calling. I am inquiring to see if hubspot can track my calls from my personal phone through the standard phone read more
February 20, 2023
As far as I know Hubspot doesn't track calls unless you protocol them yourself. Currently the Hubspot app does not call, but instead uses your more
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