
Miembro desde ‎feb 15, 2023
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Meghan Usry

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Octubre 03, 2023
This is a great idea. We really need this, as well.
MUsry en Abril 11, 2023
As a content strategist and creator in charge of social media, not having access to a visual planner, specifically for Instagram, is difficult. A large part of a successful account is visual appeal while targeting the right audiences. Without th Leer más
1 Me gusta
1 Respuestas
Abril 11, 2023
3.5 years later and this is still not something available. As a content creator who cares deeply about the overall aesthetic of instgram and the abil...Leer más
Abril 11, 2023
Agree on account reporting and buisness units. As it stands, our 6 companies each have their own business unit but that feature isn't available in so...Leer más
Abril 11, 2023
This would be incredibly helpful. As it is now, I have to pull all of the data by hand and put in an excel sheet to report to our leadership board on...Leer más
Febrero 15, 2023
This would be an amazing feature. I would also like to select who on my team gets the approval notifications.
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