
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 13, 2023
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Todd Werboweski

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TWerboweski on Mai 23, 2024
I have installed Cloud Files which outputs a unique URL for a data room. I have set up a membership based portal which I want to have a section of the smart content to show the URL as an iframe embed. Right now the URL output is set to copy to a pr Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
TWerboweski on Mai 14, 2024
We are currently using Jotform's smart PDF feature and want to move to strictly Hubspot instead. 1. Jotform allows us to drag and drop fields over the PDF so the output appears as a prefilled PDF. Is this possible with any integrations? 2. Second Beitrag ansehen
März 27, 2024
Jigar please provide but check first as I attempted the same but HubSpot required what was entered to be a URL. I'll test as soon as I receive it. ...Beitrag ansehen
TWerboweski on März 26, 2024
I am building a smart content rich text module where each item triggers either an external Jotform or takes you to en enter all webpage. I then require another rich text module with either CTA or buttons for those first items so the client can click Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
März 22, 2024
I was not told there are issues with Sync from Hub to QB and now we have a number of invoices that aren't recorded. This is a mess and I'm told I nee...Beitrag ansehen
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