
Member since ‎Feb 13, 2023
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Stephen Blais

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Ballina on October 07, 2020
When scheduling your social media posts for video content, the system does not allow you to customise the thumbnail. It creates an autoplay thumbnail based on the first frame. Therefore in order to customise the thumbnail for social media video read more
43 Replies
June 06, 2023
Wow, this thread is over two years old, and this important functionality is still MIA. I could not understand why our embedded HubSpot videos would more
Schteevynn on March 01, 2023
The CRM Development Tools Beta is limited to accounts that have Sales and Service Hub Enterprise accounts. Is this going to continue to be the case after they are out of beta and officially launched? Some of these beta features are extremely at read more
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2 Replies
Schteevynn on February 23, 2023
Calculated properties are great if you are dealing with numbers, but what about strings? We want a "smart" property for Contacts which could assemble a URL similar to the following (fixed string) + (value from object) = property value e.g. read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
rc1 on April 22, 2022
HubSpot already includes a Company field called WEBSITE URL that is clickable from the main company view. I would like to suggest that we should be able to create our own clickable link fields, I can see them being useful on any object but for u read more
3 Replies
February 23, 2023
+1 from me on this. Any URL should be clickable from a main view without having to drill down into preview or details. I'm new to HubSpot and find more
sejal_parikh on October 12, 2022
Welcome to the community group for CRM development beta, thank you for participating and being a part of this community. Introduce yourself in the comments to let us know where you work, what you do, and how and what you're using this beta for. read more
February 22, 2023
Are these CRM Dev Tools going to be limited to Sales and Service Hub Enterprise accounts AFTER the beta phase, as well? Or is this limitation for more
Schteevynn on February 13, 2023
Hi all, New to developing in HubSpot, learning the (many) ropes. We want to accomplish a task, workflow-style, that may require a custom code workflow action, or a custom workflow action, and/or a private app. But, which? Been trying to fig read more
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February 22, 2023
Follow-up: I was able to easily create an app in Retool which takes the HubSpot contact ID as an input; it provides the user a select element ( more
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