
Member since ‎Feb 7, 2023
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Kieran Frost

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danslb on March 05, 2020
There is currently no way to exclude specific contacts from the getting a CES. This functionality should be added. We have some customers that have specifically requested not to get the survey anymore, and there is no way to do this if we open a read more
23 Replies
May 16, 2024
We created a workaround for this. First, we already had a work flow to handle ticket allocation - this would send out automatic notifications if more
KFrost6 on March 27, 2024
I'm hoping to route tickets for my service organization into the appropriate teams based on the time of the day (e.g. if a ticket comes in after hours, it's routed to the late shift team). However, it appears that there's no out-of-the-box method t read more
March 27, 2024
No particular reason for the naming convention - was simply for clarity. And your suggestion would work perfectly! My question is how to mark the more
KFrost6 on March 27, 2024
I'm hoping to route tickets for my service organization into the appropriate teams based on the time of the day (e.g. if a ticket comes in after hours, it's routed to the late shift team). However, it appears that there's no out-of-the-box method t read more
March 27, 2024
No particular reason for the naming convention - was simply for clarity. And your suggestion would work perfectly! My question is how to mark the more
KFrost6 on April 05, 2023
Hi, We are in the process of migrating to Hubspot. One of our existing workflows is: 1) Once we have responded to a customer, we will wait 24 hours before sending them a follow up, asking if anything is outstanding and letting them know that if we read more
April 06, 2023
What I ended up doing was creating a workflow that set a propety on a contact (ticket overdue - 24 hours) when the ticket was 1 day old. I had more
KFrost6 on April 05, 2023
Hi, We are in the process of migrating to Hubspot. One of our existing workflows is: 1) Once we have responded to a customer, we will wait 24 hours before sending them a follow up, asking if anything is outstanding and letting them know that if we read more
April 06, 2023
What I ended up doing was creating a workflow that set a propety on a contact (ticket overdue - 24 hours) when the ticket was 1 day old. I had more
DMiller95 on July 12, 2022
Our normal process when working a ticket is to triage the issue and then reply to the customer indicating the ticket is resolved and we are waiting for their confirmation. The rep will move the ticket to the "Confirming Resolved" swim lane on our " read more
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3 Replies
April 05, 2023
@karstenkoehler - is it possible at all to automate the follow up emails before closure? It seems the above workflow only automates the sending more
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