
Member since ‎Feb 6, 2023
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HSundby on July 17, 2023
Hi all, My company arranges events amongst other things, both physical and online, and I'd like to track this in the best way possible. Through zoom, I'm able to link attendees to a webinar in Marketing Events, but I cannot seem to find a solut read more
8 Replies
July 28, 2023
@jolle your solution here sounds interesting, but it sounds like it would over-write each time a contact is associated with an event. Am I more
TheAnswerLady on May 08, 2023
I have a need to display email conversation data in new tickets. I had assumed that the full email history from the Contact profile would carry over but it does not. I built a couple of work-arounds that I hoped would work but I have confirmed today read more
TheAnswerLady on February 06, 2023
Hiya! New to HubSpot and hoping for some help... we are in the process of onboarding our CRM and our domain isn't connected yet which means that I can't preview all of the functionality of Private Web Pages just yet. (To be clear: I can customize th read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 07, 2023
Thank you so much for sharing! This is very helpful! 🙂
TheAnswerLady on February 06, 2023
Hiya! New to HubSpot and hoping for some help... we are in the process of onboarding our CRM and our domain isn't connected yet which means that I can't preview all of the functionality of Private Web Pages just yet. (To be clear: I can customize th read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 07, 2023
Thank you so much for sharing! This is very helpful! 🙂
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