
Member since ‎Feb 6, 2023
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Ruben Hautekeete

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chantalabj on November 24, 2020
Hello, I've been trying to send a no-reply email from Hubspot, but I couldn't find the right way to do it. Can someone please assist me? Thank you in advance. Chantal.
December 02, 2023
When you add a no reply email adressen in your mailbox (outlook) and you send a email to a hs contact, will you then also be able to follow the more
airwolfke on April 07, 2023
I'm checking to expand. I would like to add a new member to my HS account to assist. I have a question regarding my calendar. I'm currently using one Outlook calendar for private and business appointments. This is done because I want to read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
November 27, 2023
Hello, could you be so kind to check my feedback I gave 1 week ago with a problem I encountered, I don't know if I replied to the correct post. more
airwolfke on April 07, 2023
I'm checking to expand. I would like to add a new member to my HS account to assist. I have a question regarding my calendar. I'm currently using one Outlook calendar for private and business appointments. This is done because I want to read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
November 27, 2023
Hello, could you be so kind to check my feedback I gave 1 week ago with a problem I encountered, I don't know if I replied to the correct post. more
airwolfke on April 07, 2023
I'm checking to expand. I would like to add a new member to my HS account to assist. I have a question regarding my calendar. I'm currently using one Outlook calendar for private and business appointments. This is done because I want to read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
November 27, 2023
Hello, could you be so kind to check my feedback I gave 1 week ago with a problem I encountered, I don't know if I replied to the correct post. more
JACJ on September 10, 2018
Hi, I am useing HubSpot Sales outlook extension. In my outlook I have sevral email accounts and I dont want HubSpot to automaticly track email sent from all of them. I have tried looking diffrend places for a soulution but I can not seem to f read more
63 Replies
September 19, 2023
I believe this has been resolved. With the new update I'm now able to track several email accounts with different domains...
airwolfke on February 22, 2023
I have a question on this point, it might be the same don't know. I have two HubSpot account for 2 businesses, I can easily switch from one to the other. For each business I have a different emailaddress that I use and I also want to connect it to read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
August 29, 2023
It seems that the Hubspot Sales app has been updated and I wanted to check this issue again It seems that this issue is solved, it's now possible more
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