
Member since ‎Feb 3, 2023
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Alia Atwell

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TDokov on March 20, 2023
Hi all, I hope you all are doing well! The automation for auto assign conversations is off but soon as customer reply to email that ticket is assigned automatically to the original team member who interact first with that email. read more
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5 Replies
December 28, 2023
I can give you the use case. I have been searching your help for the last hour trying to figure out a way to handle this: A rep goes on more
AliaAt on March 27, 2023
We use conversations for all our support and our reply to address. I'd like to report on all the emails that are automatic replies and all that have "card" in the text somewhere. I don't mind an excel export for doing this, but I don't know how to g read more
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2 Replies
juliusfrey on January 19, 2023
I would like to see the possibility to create my own reports based on historical data of deal stages and so on. Right now, the adjustability of the historical snapshot is very limitied compared to what paramaters can be adjusted for general reports. read more
7 Replies
March 14, 2023
It was so close to helpful - I wanted by deal count rather than by $.
ChrisSmith1 on November 24, 2021
Hello- I was informed that the following funcitonality doesn't exist — I really wish it would! Example: we would like to know how many first stage cycles get to second stage, trended over time. We have an all-company goal to hit a certain metric read more
1 Reply
March 01, 2023
I'd like to second this but for a different set of metrics. Conversations open over time. Basically I want people to start keeping their more
AliaAt on February 14, 2023
We do all our support and other activities through conversations. I'm trying to track open conversations. Unfortunately, when I made a report on open conversations, it included emails I sent that have no response. Those emails don't show up in my in read more
February 26, 2023
NM - got closer but not right.
AliaAt on February 14, 2023
We do all our support and other activities through conversations. I'm trying to track open conversations. Unfortunately, when I made a report on open conversations, it included emails I sent that have no response. Those emails don't show up in my in read more
February 26, 2023
NM - got closer but not right.
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