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StephanieR on Dezember 18, 2020
Make all pre-set reports from Email Analyze and Health available to add to Dashboards. These provide some other insights than the reports for Email in Dashboard and it would be nice to have these for analysis in one collected plane instead of movin Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 19, 2024
+1! Why is it in two different places?
LFHardy on April 17, 2024
I'm looking to create a report that shows the number of contacts subscribed to each subscription type. I have multiple subscription types set-up. I would like to set-up a number report that shows the number of contacts subscribed to each sub Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 09, 2024
Great instructions @karstenkoehler ! Which property do you use for the x-axis of the cumulative line chart? Whenever I choose one of the subscriptio...Beitrag ansehen
CDesplanches0 on August 11, 2023
Create a personalized report based on the type of email marketing subscription. The desired result: a graph listing the number of subscribers by email marketing subscription type.
Oktober 08, 2024
+1! Support suggests creating a custom property as a workaround since " communication subscription type is not stored in a property" but its quite so...Beitrag ansehen
CGackle on März 16, 2022
I would like to be able to see property history for line items on deals. Deletions, additions, changes in pricing, terms, etc.. Being able to view this information and see how a deal evolves would be very beneficial to our sales team.
Oktober 08, 2024
@Lilliput00 same. For now I've created some workflows that give me a slack notification whenever someone makes a change to line items. However, I d...Beitrag ansehen
Teun on Oktober 06, 2022
Currently, you can filter workflows from an object's activity timeline, but this means you see no workflow activities on the timeline at all. We sometimes have workflows that enroll an object daily (or even more frequently). It would be great i Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
September 02, 2024
+1! For workflows running daily this would be important.
CGackle on März 16, 2022
I would like to be able to see property history for line items on deals. Deletions, additions, changes in pricing, terms, etc.. Being able to view this information and see how a deal evolves would be very beneficial to our sales team.
Oktober 08, 2024
@Lilliput00 same. For now I've created some workflows that give me a slack notification whenever someone makes a change to line items. However, I d...Beitrag ansehen
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