
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Feb 3, 2023
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Lenizio Guntzel

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Lenizio on May 03, 2023
Hi there folks, for these who are using the Content Assistant and others Artificial Intelligence softwares such as ChatGPT in theirs Content Production, how is your SEO going? It has affected in some negative or positive way? Please, feel free to sh read more
Contributor | Elite Partner
May 10, 2023
It's nice to see such a different approach with the AI tools as yours, and I'm gladly getting some tips on that! Thanks a lot.
Lenizio on May 03, 2023
Hi there folks, for these who are using the Content Assistant and others Artificial Intelligence softwares such as ChatGPT in theirs Content Production, how is your SEO going? It has affected in some negative or positive way? Please, feel free to sh read more
Contributor | Elite Partner
May 10, 2023
It's nice to see such a different approach with the AI tools as yours, and I'm gladly getting some tips on that! Thanks a lot.
Lenizio on May 03, 2023
Hi there folks, for these who are using the Content Assistant and others Artificial Intelligence softwares such as ChatGPT in theirs Content Production, how is your SEO going? It has affected in some negative or positive way? Please, feel free to sh read more
Contributor | Elite Partner
May 10, 2023
It's nice to see such a different approach with the AI tools as yours, and I'm gladly getting some tips on that! Thanks a lot.
Lenizio on March 24, 2023
My co-worker and I have already been accepted to use the beta version of HubSpot's Content Assistant, however, the tool doesn't appear for us anywhere in the Hub, not even the "flash" icon. Can anybody help me? UPDATE: It was because of our mis read more
18 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 27, 2023
It is because of your ID mismatch, check out comments on this post
a_schumacher on March 03, 2023
Welcome to the closed content assistant beta community. This is an invite-only group for beta users of this new feature. Thank you for your willingness to participate. Gathering as a group there are a few things we hope to collectively read more
43 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 27, 2023
My co-worker and I have already been accepted to use the beta version of HubSpot's Content Assistant, however, the tool doesn't appear for us more
Lenizio on March 24, 2023
My co-worker and I have already been accepted to use the beta version of HubSpot's Content Assistant, however, the tool doesn't appear for us anywhere in the Hub, not even the "flash" icon. Can anybody help me? UPDATE: It was because of our mis read more
18 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
March 27, 2023
It is because of your ID mismatch, check out comments on this post
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