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Mason Beard

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kara_susvilla on Juli 11, 2021
A working title is something to "work" off of as you begin to write your post. Start here to narrow your topic down and focus on one angle. A broad term, like “social media,” could breed multiple blog post ideas like “top social media channels for l Beitrag ansehen
3580 Antworten
Februar 01, 2023
Digital Death Metal Marketing: 5 Effective Ways to Promote Your Next Death Metal Project Online
kara_susvilla on Juli 11, 2021
Having a process also allows you to think of ideas that may not be easily apparent. What's one thing you do to help come up with new ideas? How can you incorporate this into a repeatable framework (for yourself as well as those you collaborate with Beitrag ansehen
2446 Antworten
Februar 01, 2023
I do my best to learn as much as I can when I can. I will be watching a show and have an idea that is derived from the show that would work for a pro...Beitrag ansehen
kara_susvilla on Juli 11, 2021
Setting marketing goals provides you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It helps you organize your time and resources so that you can make the most of your efforts. In the comments below, share a SMART goal you're working towards this year. Beitrag ansehen
2629 Antworten
Februar 01, 2023
My business is looking to assist a metal band release their next release with promotional, branding, finances, and manufacturing falling on our end. ...Beitrag ansehen
kara_susvilla on Juli 11, 2021
Your content creation process should be something that's clear, repeatable, and organized. It's important to evaluate your process from time to time to see how it can be improved (for you and those you collaborate with). Before you create Beitrag ansehen
4523 Antworten
Februar 01, 2023
To improve my current process, I believe sending it out to my peers to review it, whether critically or in passing, would be much more effective to m...Beitrag ansehen
kara_susvilla on Juli 11, 2021
Regardless of the story you’re trying to tell and how you’re trying to tell it, storytelling has three essential elements: Characters Conflict Resolution Choose one of your favorite brands, and tell their business's story by answering th Beitrag ansehen
5712 Antworten
Februar 01, 2023
Brand (not necessarily a favorite but a good one): Morgan Wallen Audience: Country listeners and blue-collar, small townspeople Challenge they are ...Beitrag ansehen
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