
Member since ‎Jan 30, 2023
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Isaac Quinn

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IQuinn3 on September 24, 2024
I was tasked with auditing the users and teams within HubSpot. This account currently has dozens to hundreds of users. Upon starting this process, I learned many users are no longer employed by our company and I have been deactivating them. My q read more
Jo_Hobbs on August 23, 2022
The need to download and analyze data from Sequences , I can export everywhere else on the website except for Sequences . I can cobble something together using the ' Sales Contact Analytics ' tool and filtering ' Contact ' data but downloadin read more
August 04, 2023
Replying here to state I too upvoted this and find this idea extremely helpful.
IQuinn3 on May 18, 2023
There are some reports within HubSpot that are only accessable via that dashboard. It cannot be cloned, moved, or recreated. Because of this, using anchor links on these reports that are shared to a dashboard would be a minor change for major visabi read more
IQuinn3 on March 16, 2023
While the HubSpot score is great for scoring leads & opportunities, by adding a few filters, we could also track the engagement of customers. I know this is not applicable to all businesses, but adding a filter in the scoring feature for "all em read more
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