
Membro desde ‎jan 18, 2018
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ashlyngray_hub on Novembro 16, 2016
In companies in hubspot sales, they have the blocks: about deals attachments contacts I feel it would be great to be able to add/remove/customise your own blocks. So you can organise the fields a bit better. Thanks!
82 avaliações positivas
25 Respostas
Agosto 15, 2018
I fully agree, this is an essential feature for our company to be able to make the most of Hubspot. If we could create our own blocks on the left of ...Leia mais
taylorfriss on Julho 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t Leia mais
288 avaliações positivas
105 Respostas
Maio 31, 2018
Yes I would like to see this implemented too!
mtang on Junho 08, 2017
I would like to suggest that this "became a customer date" systems property to be made into an editable property. This is because when we import from another system and we would like to back-date our "because a customer date"instead of making it th Leia mais
95 avaliações positivas
35 Respostas
Maio 31, 2018
Yes, agreed... It would be great to be able to change the value of the default property 'Date became a customer' rather than this just defaulting to ...Leia mais
Davis on Maio 04, 2017
when we add new contacts we make separate contacts for people like families, friends, etc. I think it would be a great feature if there is a way to link two contacts together. ie: if we add contacts for a married couple, the contact info on husband Leia mais
277 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Maio 31, 2018
I need this function as well! Many of our clients are companies with two or more directors. We cannot use the company function for this though becaus...Leia mais
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