
Member since ‎Jan 25, 2023
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Aoife Jacob

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AJacob2 on November 28, 2023
Basic question here: If I create a new company using the API which contains the same domain as a company that already exists, what is the expected behaviour? Use case is that we may want it to occur due to companies with shared domains being com read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 30, 2023
That was my hope, thanks for the confirming!
AJacob2 on November 28, 2023
Basic question here: If I create a new company using the API which contains the same domain as a company that already exists, what is the expected behaviour? Use case is that we may want it to occur due to companies with shared domains being com read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 30, 2023
That was my hope, thanks for the confirming!
AJacob2 on November 27, 2023
I have a scenario where I have a custom object in practise lives underneath Companies, called Departments. Our sales process is to these individual departments and it is important that we know the billing contact and can annotate it for each. Ho read more
2 Replies
AJacob2 on August 25, 2023
Hi all, I am essentially working on a set of import files where the goal is to create a series of deals, each of which have multiple line items and each of which that should be associated to the relevant company and contact. I currently have read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
August 28, 2023
Hi @danmoyle , thanks, I was hoping I was missing something obvious in terms of being able to do the association to line items and the other more
AJacob2 on August 25, 2023
Hi all, I am essentially working on a set of import files where the goal is to create a series of deals, each of which have multiple line items and each of which that should be associated to the relevant company and contact. I currently have read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
August 28, 2023
Hi @danmoyle , thanks, I was hoping I was missing something obvious in terms of being able to do the association to line items and the other more
AJacob2 on April 27, 2023
Having worked across a number of Hubspot instances, particularly ones that are established, field cleanup is a common task to help with revops and efficiency. The properties export is helpful in terms of looking at the total fields and making decisi read more
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