
Member since ‎Jan 25, 2023
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Fanny Lotzer

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edX on October 07, 2020
I have noticed that we can look into workflow revision history but we do not have the option to restore that previous revision history. I would really like to be able to restore based off revision history, we can currently do this for landing pages. read more
58 Replies
April 10, 2024
Yes, it would be great if we could restore a previous version. Especially when we deleted enrollment criteria Group by mistake...
FannyLotzer on February 16, 2024
Sometimes hubspot default modules in emails and landing pages don't fit the guidelines of the users webiste. It would be great to have the possibility to modify them / adapt them to make them look more like the website. Right now, we have to dev read more
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FannyLotzer on February 16, 2024
Hubspot users like agencies have sometimes to work in English for their foreign customers and sometimes to work in their native language for other customers (French in my case). I have to share my screen to support my customer, train them or explai read more
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FannyLotzer on October 31, 2023
It would be great to have the possibility to have different deal creation form depending on the Team who creates the deal : display differents fields depending on the need of each team.
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FannyLotzer on August 23, 2023
Would be great to be possible to export submissions automatically and schedule the frequency (each day, every monday, once a month, etc.)
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FannyLotzer on March 15, 2023
When we arrive on assets main pages, we can see all assests. It would be great to have the possibility to see the folders and to have the possibility to sort assets in folders and subfolders.
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