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Christian DeGobbi

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JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
As a marketer, CTAs are relevant because they encourage your audience to take action on a marketing campaign. Below are a few examples of the types of CTAs you might use in marketing materials: Try for free. Nearly every company w Beitrag ansehen
581 Antworten
Januar 21, 2023
It's good to get creative with you CTA language as long as it aligns with your offer. One CTA that did well for us when promoting a webinar registrat...Beitrag ansehen
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
Creating and optimizing landing pages is a crucial step in your lead generation efforts. What's a common mistake I always see and try to avoid? Not having a second offer or CTA on the thank you page. It’s a smart move to keep your primary Beitrag ansehen
541 Antworten
Januar 21, 2023
My two biggest pet peeves on a landing page are 1) too much copy and 2) too many (required) form fields to populate.
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
Blog posts enable you and your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue. Most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to Beitrag ansehen
742 Antworten
Januar 21, 2023
Pretty much anything but writing about your products. A blog is not the time or place to promote your products. Write about a key trend in your indus...Beitrag ansehen
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
Marketing campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or capturing customer feedback. They typically aim to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combinati Beitrag ansehen
534 Antworten
Januar 21, 2023
I like to keep my campaign assets organized by a folder called Assets, then sub-folders for each type of asset (e.g., videos), then, if necessary, mo...Beitrag ansehen
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