
Member since ‎Jan 20, 2023
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Alessandra Savoi

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ASavoi on December 19, 2023
It would be useful if all the activities available at Child Company level were made available also at Parent Company level (like it's already happening for activities tracked for example in the Deal which are made visible also on the Deal's related read more
JFAN5 on October 05, 2022
Hello, I want users to be able to receive password change/download invoice emails etc. when corresponding action is triggered on website. I know there is transactional emails add-on, but is this the only way? Does it have something with workflow read more
September 02, 2023
Hi there, is there any way to send transactional emails to Companies instead of Contacts? Thanks in advance
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
351 Replies
August 31, 2023
Ok, thanks for the reply, got it. And when the association labels actions in workflows will be available? It was an incredibly useful feature!
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
351 Replies
August 31, 2023
Ok, thanks for the reply, got it. And when the association labels actions in workflows will be available? It was an incredibly useful feature!
JDickerson0 on May 04, 2023
Need help with two buttons that are not sitting right on my page on mobile devices. In the drag and drop editor I am unable to find a way to add spacing between the buttons on mobile. I am new to HubSpot, so I figured this would be a good place read more
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3 Replies
August 24, 2023
Hello! Is there any way to get this result instead of having the buttons one above the other?
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
351 Replies
August 31, 2023
Ok, thanks for the reply, got it. And when the association labels actions in workflows will be available? It was an incredibly useful feature!
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