
Mitglied seit ‎Jan 19, 2023
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Bryan Santos

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BSantos6 on Juni 24, 2024
Right now, snippets do not work on this field for line items. This will allow us to include specific notes under the line item on the quote.
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
Dezember 06, 2023
BSantos6 on Dezember 05, 2023
Currently, our Org associates emails to deals. When we have Deals enabled in the log and track settings, emails would come in with mutliple Deals associated to it due to the contact. This created dirty data requiring us to remove associations and po Beitrag ansehen
BSantos6 on Oktober 17, 2023
We used to be able to associate ALL emails. Please revert this update as it disrupts our work process when associating emails. There are a lot of groups, which are in hubspot where we cannot associate to deals/contacts/companies
hlpayne on Juni 01, 2020
Add option to organize attachments or documents on a contact, company, or deal. Create sub-folders, if necessary to organize document attachments. Ability to remove email signature images or the like that aren't needed, but get added as attachments Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Juli 27, 2023
BSantos6 on Januar 19, 2023
All of my company deals have Street Addresses. Currently to search deals by Address, we have to go configure the filter. It would be great if there was a check option in the De Deal Address option Similar to this al Search field to search by Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Januar 19, 2023
Hello, Deal addresses are different than contacts and companies in the Deal. We are in the construction field and Deals have their own addresses ba...Beitrag ansehen
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