
Member since ‎Jan 18, 2023
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Stephanie Rayment

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traviskl on July 06, 2022
It would be incredibly helpful to have the ability to set a line item property in a workflow using the "Set property value". Currently, "Line Item" is not an option. This would help us as we have revenue reporting fields on our line items/produc read more
31 Replies
February 13, 2023
The ability to create workflows around line items would be incredibly helpful.
SRayment on January 18, 2023
The custom object tool is fabulous and it would be great if it could be placed somewhere other than the contacts drop down. Ours, for example, is more applicable to sales or even reporting. Hoping this feature is updated
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 18, 2023
Thanks so much!
SRayment on January 18, 2023
The custom object tool is fabulous and it would be great if it could be placed somewhere other than the contacts drop down. Ours, for example, is more applicable to sales or even reporting. Hoping this feature is updated
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 18, 2023
Thanks so much!
jbolger90 on February 03, 2022
It seems that there is no way to sort and organize line items within product libraries. Products are sorted based on import or create date within HubSpot. My company builds product libraries and folders based off a tiered pricing approach (I.E read more
62 Replies
January 18, 2023
+1 to this!
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