
Member since ‎Jan 18, 2023
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Alexa Gatiss

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alexagatiss on October 08, 2024
Hi all, I'm working on a referral marketing program and creating a form. Would anyone be willing to send me the steps for making it automatically fill with the recipients details? 2. Also how can I include space for the contact to include their read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 08, 2024
Actually, a better question might be: is there any consequence for having the person who fills out the form be a separate contact from the more
alexagatiss on October 08, 2024
Hi all, I'm working on a referral marketing program and creating a form. Would anyone be willing to send me the steps for making it automatically fill with the recipients details? 2. Also how can I include space for the contact to include their read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 08, 2024
Actually, a better question might be: is there any consequence for having the person who fills out the form be a separate contact from the more
alexagatiss on October 01, 2024
Hi all, can I embed a form in a HubSpot Marketing email? Trying to build out a referral program using the marketing email capabilities and looking for how a contact can enter and email without having to leave the original email. Everything onlin read more
alexagatiss on September 26, 2024
Hi all, curious if anyone has come up with a workaround for this issue we are having with HubSpot! We have one company with multiple branches that are owned by different users. They are in HubSpot as different accounts, however, they have the sa read more
alexagatiss on August 26, 2024
Hi all, I'm hoping to embed a poll into a marketing email so that when someone opens the email all they have to do is click "yes" or "no" for a single question and we will recieve important information. I know that there are some built in features read more
alexagatiss on June 20, 2024
Can I import a list of contacts and also bring in some information to their associated company as well, all on the same line in Excel and on the same Excel sheet? Any tips or things to look out for with this?
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