
Member since ‎Jan 17, 2023
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Chris Robin Wübbeler

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KeeganSmith87 on April 23, 2020
We're struggling with the inability for reporting to display percentages versus JUST numbers. For instance, in this example: If you have the TOTAL number of the stacked bar and the sub numbers broken out already, to also have the abi read more
July 24, 2024
+1 Would like to get an overview of our closing rates, etc.
CWuebbeler on June 17, 2024
Wenn wir neue Mitarbeiter:innen als Benutzer in Hubspot anlegen, möchte ich diese systemseitig dazu verpflichten ihr Gmail-Konto und ihren Kalender mit Hubspot zu synchronisieren. Dies tun wir, da wir 100 % transparent arbeiten wollen mit uns read more
XavierDrake on April 13, 2017
It would be nice if we could set a Default Pipeline under Deals in a similar way that we can set a Default View. We have product managers who care more about a specific product pipeline than other reps would. At the moment, even if we set a Defualt read more
30 Replies
March 02, 2023
Would like to push this again!
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