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Rene Groothuis

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März 03, 2023
Thanks @himanshurauthan for the explanation. First question when reading the explanation, what are the users? Where are the users stored in HubSpot...Beitrag ansehen
RGroothuis on März 03, 2023
I've an external mobile App that can retrieve data from HubSpot. Before the data is retrieved I want the mobile app user to authenticate himself against the HubSpot contact details. Only when the user credentials are successfully authorized that can Beitrag ansehen
März 02, 2023
Thanks for the suggestion and feedback. I’ve checked the linked article and found out that it only describes synchronisation with Progress. My questio...Beitrag ansehen
März 02, 2023
What is the best way to solve this challenge? Apart from using a 3rd party solution like Zapier! Anybody solved this Firebase HubSpot data sync probl...Beitrag ansehen
Februar 28, 2023
Thanks for the feedback Dan. But I don't believe SSO is the solution I'm looking for. Each user of the mobile app requires their own login details (u...Beitrag ansehen
RGroothuis on Februar 28, 2023
I'm building an mobile App to retrieve information from the HunSpot CRM. The App requires a sign up and login in functionality. When somebody signed up I want the user data to end up in the Contacts (so that I can see new customers coming in). And w Beitrag ansehen
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