
Member since ‎Jan 13, 2023
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sara tavares

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stavares5 on January 17, 2023
How can I override default HS validation with JS validation ?
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 19, 2023
Actually, I want to embed a JS code to this page
stavares5 on January 17, 2023
How can I override default HS validation with JS validation ?
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 19, 2023
Actually, I want to embed a JS code to this page
stavares5 on January 16, 2023
When I try o uplod my project on sandbox account I get this message `Your HubSpot plan doesn't include serverless functions, so you can't use them to create app functions. Remove the `appFunctions` property from /app/app.functions/serverless.json. I read more
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1 Reply
stavares5 on January 16, 2023
I don`t find a documentation explanning how to validate fields of crm form. I need to validate CEP field and create an application but I really don`t know if this is the answer for what I want.
1 upvote
1 Reply
stavares5 on January 13, 2023
Eu nao consigo acessar a tela CRM developer tools, alguem pode me ajudar?
0 upvote
4 Replies
January 15, 2023
It works but I have another problem now, I got this message `Your HubSpot plan doesn't include serverless functions`, what can I do?
stavares5 on January 13, 2023
Eu nao consigo acessar a tela CRM developer tools, alguem pode me ajudar?
0 upvote
4 Replies
January 15, 2023
It works but I have another problem now, I got this message `Your HubSpot plan doesn't include serverless functions`, what can I do?
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