
Member since ‎Jan 12, 2023
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Isabel Collier

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Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 169 votes. I'd like to have more than 1 level in the dependent fields in forms.
233 Replies
July 30, 2024
I would also like to be included in testing! Our organization really needs this feature.
ICollier on April 05, 2024
When cloning a form that generates tickets upon submissions, it does not clone over the pipeline it is connected to in the Inbox. Ideally, this information should also automatically clone over. For now, I have to manually edit the connected pipeline read more
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taylorw on March 15, 2021
Need the ability to handover the admin duties of a task queue to someone new. I have to ask the person who created the queue to add people, and that person is no longer in the position that warrants them adding people to that queue.
2 Replies
March 31, 2023
This would be so helpful! The owner of some of our queues is no longer with the company, but these queues have many members and are involved in more
ICollier on March 31, 2023
When you click into the Ticket Owner field, the first name in the dropdown is always the same user. Let's call this user John. For our account, John is not involved in addressing tickets but is always the first person listed no matter what. John con read more
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ICollier on March 31, 2023
On our account, most of the 10 super admins that receive the email when a user needs their 2FA reset are not involved in user creation or setup. I am responsible for creating and managing accounts for our company, but I am not on the list of 10 supe read more
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MichaelC on June 02, 2021
Hello community 👋 and product team ✌️ Background Today it is possible to create and pin your own custom views within contacts, companies, deals, tickets and more (lets use the word objects from now on). A HubSpot user may edit col read more
January 20, 2023
This is very much needed for our company too. I get many requests to update views, but I am unable to do so since I did not create them. My options more
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