
Member since ‎Jan 12, 2023
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Kenny Van Looveren

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Dalton on June 15, 2023
With the new location formatting issues fix (which I love), it is impossible to bulk-update the suggested fixes with an extensive database of customers (350k+). Doing these fixes 50 at a time is not realistic. There needs to be a better way to do th read more
13 Replies
August 21, 2024
agree, we have 312 K contacts and cannot so this 50 by 50
KVanLooveren on August 14, 2024
Hello everybody, We currently had a GDPR audit realised by a independant lawyer, and it turns out that GDPR requires explicit consent on HS documents in order to store and process personal data. However, HS documents only provide implicit co read more
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NilsK on January 02, 2020
We use a specific tax % on every quote so it should be possible to set a standard and e.g. add a 19% tax on every quote created automatically. Benefits: Saves times Avoid mistakes
213 Replies
January 12, 2023
dear all we have just onboarded our teams and we are very surprised that this is not a standard feature. shouldn't be too complicated to add more
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