
Miembro desde ‎ene 9, 2023
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Nathan Beiley

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Nathan951 en Agosto 15, 2023
So when submitting a form, I see that the "pageUrl" is submitted as property: " hs_latest_source_data_1" how can I set: "hs_latest_source_data_2"?
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1 Respuestas
Julio 25, 2023
So we use a call-tracking and we actually capture the " hubspot_visitor_id" , as well as other data like gclid, fclid, & google_analytics_cl...Leer más
Julio 25, 2023
I wanted to follow up on this. I still really need the ability to attach hubspotutk tracking id to a contact
Junio 06, 2023
Thanks for chiming in. Yes I tried the "@"user with no luck, just as you mentioned. Was curious if there was any other methods, other than the one I...Leer más
Nathan951 en Junio 03, 2023
I need user(s) to get a notification of call engagement. Is there still no way to @ metion users in via API?? This seems so basic. It works from UI not API The only way I have found to get a notification of a new call/engagement is to: G Leer más
Febrero 05, 2023
Just following up to see you anyone has any input on attaching a tracking code/cookie to a contact?
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