
Member since ‎Jan 9, 2023
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Nathan Beiley

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Nathan951 on August 15, 2023
So when submitting a form, I see that the "pageUrl" is submitted as property: " hs_latest_source_data_1" how can I set: "hs_latest_source_data_2"?
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1 Reply
Nathan951 on February 01, 2023
We are tracking incoming phone calls generated from a site. Currently, a third party is tracking the customer's movement on-site & analytics... The Incoming calls from dynamic number insertion are created as leads via API. I currently attach som read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 25, 2023
So we use a call-tracking and we actually capture the " hubspot_visitor_id" , as well as other data like gclid, fclid, & more
Nathan951 on February 01, 2023
We are tracking incoming phone calls generated from a site. Currently, a third party is tracking the customer's movement on-site & analytics... The Incoming calls from dynamic number insertion are created as leads via API. I currently attach som read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 25, 2023
So we use a call-tracking and we actually capture the " hubspot_visitor_id" , as well as other data like gclid, fclid, & more
Nathan951 on June 03, 2023
I need user(s) to get a notification of call engagement. Is there still no way to @ metion users in via API?? This seems so basic. It works from UI not API The only way I have found to get a notification of a new call/engagement is to: G read more
June 06, 2023
Thanks for chiming in. Yes I tried the "@"user with no luck, just as you mentioned. Was curious if there was any other methods, other than the one more
Nathan951 on June 03, 2023
I need user(s) to get a notification of call engagement. Is there still no way to @ metion users in via API?? This seems so basic. It works from UI not API The only way I have found to get a notification of a new call/engagement is to: G read more
June 06, 2023
Thanks for chiming in. Yes I tried the "@"user with no luck, just as you mentioned. Was curious if there was any other methods, other than the one more
Nathan951 on February 01, 2023
We are tracking incoming phone calls generated from a site. Currently, a third party is tracking the customer's movement on-site & analytics... The Incoming calls from dynamic number insertion are created as leads via API. I currently attach som read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 25, 2023
So we use a call-tracking and we actually capture the " hubspot_visitor_id" , as well as other data like gclid, fclid, & more
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