
Member since ‎Jan 9, 2023
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samira seddar

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sseddar on February 21, 2023
I inserted HTML code in email marketing to add a pop-up but the pop-up does not work I do not understand why ?? here are the images : but when I inserted in another place of hubspot it works well here are the images : read more
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sseddar on February 06, 2023
Bonjour, j'ai cherché les drapeaux dans les les emojis mais je n'ai pas trouvé. Il semble qu'il n'y a pas d'images de drapeaux ici.
sseddar on January 31, 2023
Hello I would like to know if I can create an email marketing where I will insert an image of a property of a company, they show propose to change the source code and I changed but the problem every time I change it does not save. this is the scree read more
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BShirley on March 18, 2022
We are looking for a way to incorporate a users headshot in an email that's based on specific personalization token. Has anyone done this or know of a way to accomplish it?
January 30, 2023
Hello I would like to know if I can create an email marketing where I will insert an image of a property of a company, they show propose to change more
Latitude37 on January 12, 2021
Hi all, I feel like im close to finding the solution but i need your help. Im wanting an image to link to a personalised token. That personalised token will be a url which ive setup simply as a single line text property. I know there is no way read more
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January 30, 2023
Hello I would like to know if I can create an email marketing where I will insert an image of a property of a company, they show propose to change more
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