
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jan 6, 2023
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TWatkins9 on June 08, 2023
Hi all, We are newer to using line items, and we are running into an issue when setting up multi-year deals. For the deal below, we added two line items, one to start this year on 6/30/2023, and another to start on 6/30/2024 (so two line items, bi read more
3 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 09, 2023
Hi @TWatkins9 , Looking at your screenshot, I cannot see anything wrong with data you have entered, therefore my next step would be to more
MAgarwal5 on June 09, 2023
Hi community users, I am looking to associate multiple contacts to a company in HubSpot automatically. We have Account Contact Relationship in Salesforce to have this mapping but the same is not reflecting in HubSpot. Can someone please gui read more
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2 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
June 09, 2023
Hi Meenal, HubSpot automatically assotiates Companies and Contacts as long as they share common domain. Here you can find more information: more
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