
Member since ‎Jan 12, 2018
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Barbara Sweeney

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Whitend75 on September 05, 2019
We love the new Quote Approval function, but would like to be able to have more than a single approver. There are several reasons why: 1) If the approver is out for an extended time, it would be important for them to easily be able to delegate read more
73 Replies
September 12, 2019
We agree - our complex solutions would require multiple approvers from across the organisation so this would be a feature we would love to have.
Arun_Opto22 on November 29, 2017
I think there should be the ability to limit the permission to edit the Sales Dashboard. I've made the dashboard look like I want it to for my sales team...but individual salespeople have the ability to go in and modify it...but it is a "global" vi read more
11 Replies
June 25, 2019
Hello Support team - is there a time line on when the edit restriction for the dashboard will be in place? thank you.
BarbaraS on September 13, 2018
Hello we are looking at PandaDoc and would like to assess it against competitor products. What other products would fellow HubSpot Users point us towards? Many thanks in advance -Barbara
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Ian1099 on February 13, 2019
Currently the setting for users to edit contacts is an all or nothing deal. If you want your users to be able to edit a contact's phone number they also get permission to delete it. Would be awesome if you could remove a user's ability to delet read more
April 26, 2018
Totally agree that the ability to delete should be something that can be restricted at the user level. In searching through the community I more
gorand on November 06, 2017
Hi HubSpot team, When I tried to export data from Session Country report in Web Analytics Dashboard , I realized that data can be exported: just in PDF, PPTX or ZIP format just on dashboard level (it is not possible to export just one repo read more
40 Replies
April 10, 2018
Yes please: we have scheduled reporting on weekly and monthly bases, and need the detail that CSV files can provide.
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