
Member since ‎Jan 3, 2023
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Wahiba on January 05, 2023
Hello, I'm looking to connect with more educators this year, and wondering if you any of you may have bookmarked some events to attend (both in person and online)? Thank you!
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jgueron on June 21, 2021
Take a look at this article written by our partners at Sheridan College, in Canada! What's most impressive is the work students have done using the HubSpot platform. You can find an archive of student work here , and even sign up for new read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
January 05, 2023
Yes, this works. Thank you, Julia!
jgueron on June 21, 2021
Take a look at this article written by our partners at Sheridan College, in Canada! What's most impressive is the work students have done using the HubSpot platform. You can find an archive of student work here , and even sign up for new read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
January 05, 2023
Yes, this works. Thank you, Julia!
Wahiba on January 03, 2023
Hello, I'm excited to join this program and community. I'm from Vancouver, BC, and wondering if there may be any Canadian educators over here? Look forward to connecting with all of you! Also, if you're on Twitter, I would also love the opportu read more
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