
Mitglied seit ‎Dez 30, 2022
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Diego Gonzalez

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shanebdavis on Juli 02, 2020
As an experienced development shop, we want to manage our hubspot webpage using GIT. I went through this tutorial: However, once I created the sandbox accoun Beitrag ansehen
April 07, 2024
Supporting this = the ability to copy blocks of content between pages. As an editor, I often need to build new landings using stuff I already prepare...Beitrag ansehen
G-Latts on Februar 24, 2022
The list of organic social sources is currently different than the list of Paid Social Sources. The most notable example is TikTok, which is currently only available as a source under Organic Social. This means any paid ads running on TikTok won't Beitrag ansehen
August 16, 2023
Yes, please. Plus, Youtube and Youtube Shorts. We will move to Hootsuite and stop paying Hubspot Marketing if by the end of our yearly contract these...Beitrag ansehen
kiN on Juni 04, 2021
Hi there, with videos becoming more of a common format, would we be able to get a timestamp feature for some longer videos - ie: webinars, step-by-step guides, workshop etc? This will allow viewers to pick back up where they left off if they've had Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Dezember 30, 2022
Upvoting this. One thing we got interested in when purchasing Hubspot Marketing Pro was the videos feature. It was something that would allow us to r...Beitrag ansehen
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