
Member since ‎Dec 28, 2022
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Josh Cunneyworth

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January 27, 2023
Thanks Karl! Currently doing something similar and manually updating company properties based on that but as you mentioned just a static snapshot in more
jcworth on January 26, 2023
Hi All, Hoping someone has a better idea than I do to return a limited number of companies/contacts for lists or views. I'm looking to create top 100/250 customer lists, however at this stage I've simply had to sort by revenue and manually f read more
January 11, 2023
Thanks a ton Jenna! Worked well and inspired solutions to a few other things I was working on.
jcworth on December 28, 2022
Hi All, I'm hoping to fire off some workflows when a certain property ( Current $MRR ) sees any jump greater than something like 30%. That property value is currently pulled through a 3rd party integration and our product but I was hoping there read more
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